Thomas & Elke immigrated to South Africa in September
1997 from Germany after visiting the country twice before. During our first
holiday in January 1996 we decided to check what it takes to work and live in
South Africa. Our application for a temporary residence permit with a work
permit for Thomas took 1 ½ years to be approved.
We bought this property in January 1998 and have been
residing here ever since. Apart from a time back in Germany in 2002.
Philip was born in 2000. hobbies: soccer, gaming, his
In 2003 we opened the guest house.
Tatjana was born in 2004. hobbies: sport, her friends
We applied for permanent residence permit and received this
status in December 2009. All four of us are German citizens and very happy to
live in South Africa.
There are more reasons than just one. The most important one was the challenge of working and living in a foreign country and secondly because South Africa has a very good infrastructure. Also the climate and landscape, the friendliness and welcoming of the people are high on the list. A good friend of us but it in a simple sentence: “In Germany one lives to work; in South Africa one works to live.”
We established a second leg to the business where we rent our cars and therefore offer shuttle service. Thomas sets the breakfast table and Elke fetches fresh rolls from the local shop on the way to drop off the child/ren at school. Thomas being the handyman always finds something to invent, maintain or repair.
And a guest house is definitely a 7 days per week job, not 24 hours per day, but one has to be available. There are many things to be done and organized after the breakfast table has been cleared.